Alright.As I said in the introduction, we are learning together how to be better hosts and better guests.Of interviews.And I am not the only one who watches interviews here.I hope I hope all of us watch and listen to interviews, and we'll learn.
Going forward, starting today, you'll put on the sort of the the learner hat not just the topic of the interview you're listening to, you're learning about health or relationships, or creativity, or business, or whatever.But to you you're putting on the sort of the meta learner of how to be a great host, how to be a really effective guest.And so going forward today, I want you to listen to interviews from that perspective.Notice what the hosts are doing that are really great.That you wanna add to your own, you know, method as an interview, get a host, and also listen to what the guests are doing that are great.
And maybe not as effective, boring versus while really engaging, really, really took you in with their story or or want make you wanna learn more or to go to their website or, like, listen for that, you know, and and notice what they're doing and see if you can p sets, you know, can you tear take out some of the lessons and the tips from from what they're doing well and and not so well or what you wanna do differently.From both the hosts and the guests.And and then I hope you will come back here to this lesson page and comment below and tell us even 1 or 2 things you learn from a recent interview you listen to, whether that what they did well or what they didn't do well.If you're more critiquing, like, this is really what they didn't do well, maybe keep the interview host and guest confidential because we don't wanna be, you know, We don't wanna be doing that to people.But but if they're doing well, you can certainly mention, oh, this is the interview.
You might wanna check it out 2 years what I learned about how they did it.So Without further ado, you can check up a low.I've already started adding my notes in the comments below as well, and you'll see lessons from others as well.So let's learn together and look forward to seeing your comments below.