A warm welcome to this course.What is this course called?I have to look about myself.Right?What do you do is what the course is called?
Integrate your deep and diverse work into a coherent intro and about page.I'm George Kao.I hopefully know that by now.Some of you have been watching my videos for for a while.Some of you are pretty new to me.
I'm hoping that this course will be a truly transformational experience.I'm I'm hopeful if you do the exercises, and if you engage with the others in this course, you're gonna have a much better time than if you only watch 1 thing here or 1 thing there.I'm not that entertaining.You should be watching other stuff.If you just if you're just watching, this is not this is not first rate entertainment.
I'll try to move my arms to, you know, no.But please, I hope you will engage with the material by adding comments underneath the videos because that's where we do the exercises in the comments area and replying to others comments.I hope you will aim to be a generous reply to others comments be a supportive colleague to others here because you're gonna find some amazing people in this course.I greatly, you know, if I can brag about this.I tend to draw the most awesome people on the planet into Midjourney.
People who are spiritually grounded, psychologically savvy, and really heart led in their business, not just heart led by name.But heartlet, not that people who are heartlet by name aren't heartlet, but it's easy to say your heartlet or spiritually going in it or whatever.Authentic.Right?But it's another to actually demonstrate that and and to prove that over time.
And I tend to draw those people you.Into my into my courses.So look for the awesome people in this in this course.And you will be getting to know them better because that's what we're doing here is we're we're learn we're practicing how to evolve the descriptions of our work.So you're gonna be able to read people's descriptions again and again in various formats.
And you'll get to know each other pretty well by the end of this even though it's 3 week period, you'll be able to know them better than probably in most courses.So I'm really looking forward to this experience with you.As always, you Kao comment below any videos if you have any questions about the course.And with that, let's move on from here.Alright.