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    • Warm Welcome + Be sure to pace yourself 😅
      Warm welcome to ABC MasterHeart 2023
    • 💛 How to get back on track with ABC MasterHeart Program
      How to get back on track with ABC MasterHeart Program
    • Course Platform Tutorial
    • ⏳ How to manage your time with ABC / MasterHeart
    • Fill out your profile 🤗 We want to learn about you!
    • Your program helper 😇
      Program Helpers for ABC & MasterHeart
    • ✍🏽 How to get to the ABC / MasterHeart forum 🫶🏼
    • ⌨️ How to post in the forum? 💡
      How to post in ABC MasterHeart Forum
    • ➡️ Forum Etiquette
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    • ❓ How to ask Questions / Get Support❓
    • 👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏻 Member Directory 👨🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼
    • ABC Values 💛
    • Your commitments to the program
    • Suggestions Box 🗳
      Request for Feedback about the program
    • (Optional) Receive a portion of my course income every month (profit sharing)
    • Zoom link for ABC Q&A Calls
    • ❓ ABC Q&A / Coaching Calls for Support from George & Other Members 🫶🏼
      ABC MasterHeart Q&A Call Orientation
    • 📆 Google Calendar for ABC / MasterHeart
    • 📱 iCal / Apple Calendar -- how to subscribe to ABC calendar
      iCal Apple Calendar Users -- How to Subscribe to a Google Calendar so you get updates
    • 😇 Helper-led Hangouts for Members! 👫🏽
      iCal Apple Calendar Users -- How to Subscribe to a Google Calendar so you get updates
    • 🏖 Rest & Integration Weeks 🙆🏻‍♂️
    • 🙋🏻‍♂️ George's Current Live Course
    • Small Group Meetings with George 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
    • (Optional) 1-1 Meetings with George
    • What are Pathways? Start here.
      ABC Pathways
    • Option 1 - "Aligned Offers"
    • Option 2 - "Gentle Launches"
    • Option 3 - "Grow Audience"
    • Option 4 - "Long-Term Foundation"
    • If you're a rebel ;-)
    • Not sure which pathway is for you? 🤷🏻‍♂️
    • Don't try to do it all at once... please mind your stamina 😅
    • BizPlan 2023
    • Joyful Productivity 🌱
    • FAR Intention Setting Workshop
    • Facebook Ads 2023
    • Instagram Marketing
    • Netcaring
    • Simple Authentic Moneymaking
    • ✨ Valuable Bonus Content
    • Soul Gym (Discounted ABC Rate of $30/mo)
    • Authentic Content Flow
    • Soul Gym
    • ai chatbot -- George Kao's Books -- MH Members Only
    • What are Course Credits and when will you receive them?
      2024 Credits to buy courses - where's the list?
    • 1 Credit -- Simple Podcast Creation
    • 2 Credits -- CORE
    • 2 Credits -- Offer Revision Workshop
    • 2 Credits -- Create Your Framework
    • 2 Credits -- Authentic Video Creation
    • 2 Credits -- LinkedIn Marketing & Ads for Solopreneurs
    • 2 Credits -- Simple Course Creation & Launch
    • 2 Credits -- Blog-to-Book (Self-Publishing)
    • 2 Credits -- Conscious Money Flow
    • 2 Credits -- Authentic SEO
    • 2 Credits -- Authentic Outreach
    • 2-3 Credits -- AI Tools for Authentic Business
    • 2 Credits - "What do you do?" -- Describe Your Work (Bio, About Page, Introducing Yourself)
    • 2 Credits - Interview Mastery / Soulful Conversations
    • 2 Credits -- Launch Your 20-Member Group Program
    • 3 Credits -- Authentic Content Flow (creation, tracking, repurposing)
    • Via Soul Gym -- Authentic Content Flow
    • Looking for the latest Intentions thread?
    • Intentions: Week of Jan 9
    • Intentions: Week of Jan 2
    • End of 2022 + Overall Wishes/Vision for 2023
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2024 ABC & MasterHeart (Info + Early Application)

Alright. Hello, ABC, Mastercard members. I'm going to walk you through the changes that are coming up for the 2024 ABC Mastercard programs. And this is not meant to be a public video. This is just for the members and because I'm going to talk about some things that only members understand.
And I have a document that basically walks you through all of this in writing I'm going to basically walk you through the key parts of the document so that even if you don't read it, you have the major, you know, ideas that you can decide whether or not it's the right program for you. So let me go and share my screen and and then we'll get going here. Okay. And thanks to those of you who are here live with me. I'll just hide your videos for now.
Alright. So I'm excited to present you the best program of design. After 14 years of leading group programs, and that's true. I do believe after all the lessons I've learned what I've got here is the best formulation thus far. It's not incredibly different from this year's programs, but there are some key changes.
So the first key change, okay, is that this year, you've had a helper very lightly. That was my rec my instructions to them. That was my my my my ask of my helpers of your helpers was to very lightly touch base with you once a month via quick quick email. Hey, are you are you doing okay? Do you have any questions about the program?
I'm not gonna And the lesson I learned this year is that that's not enough. That's not enough. It wasn't it actually wasn't even satisfying for the helpers in themselves. They felt like they weren't really helping. So so in 2024, the helpers are going to be paid to do a private 30 minutes with you every month.
If you are part of the Mastercard level of the program, you get 2 of these 30 minute calls once a month. And what's the point of these calls? These are program helpers who are program helpers. They're fellow members in the program. Who are stepping up to do this.
They are not meant to be your business coach. They are not your business coach. They're not you're not your consultants. They're not your mentor, they're not your healer. They're they're your friends, perhaps, they're up here.
And what the point of the 30 minutes is for is for you to review your priorities because you have noticed that if you don't do this, right? You might remember I have a method called the far intention. I'm just gonna make this document ugly for for a second. Far intention setting method, which is future vision, action taking action plans and review. Okay?
Anyway, later, you will see that the far intention setting workshop is gonna be something that we review at least once or twice during next year. But the the part of the far intention setting that usually isn't done is the review part of it. Most of you don't do that enough or well enough. And so that's what the the helpers will be paid to do is help you review your business priorities right now on a regular basis like you are putting your attention and where an energy flows, where attention goes. So if you put your attention on your business priorities at least once a month with somebody else there who is, you know, basically a nurturing listening ear to say, let's talk about your business priorities.
And then what is your plan for the following month? Hey. We're gonna meet again in a month. So what's your plan? Your action plan basically?
What's your vision? Future vision, future vision. What is your action plan? And we're gonna review again in a month how that went. And besides that, your helper is also going to suggest any particular parts of the ABC Mastercard program that could support your priorities and your plans.
So your helper might go, hey, you're you're working on that, Did you know that there's a there's a course you can buy with credits that exactly deals with this issue? Oh, I didn't know that. Or, oh, yeah, I forgot to review that. Right? Like, I forgot to look Look at that.
Or, hey, did you know that you have this particular question or challenge right now? Why don't you come to the q and a call that's happening on Thursday? That's happening on Monday or whatever? And talk to GeorgeKao it. Okay.
So that's what the that's what this is about. Okay. And then the next major change is that these are going to be the 5 foundational classes that that you will have as an ABC member. You don't have to buy them. Some of you already have them.
You already have them great. I might be updating parts of these programs, and you'll get those updates as well in 2024. But here's the key. Okay? And the the key is I wanna thank Heather for having made a comment.
Says, hey. Heather says, hey. Will you be holding space for any of these class topics during the calls, and and Heather basically created a whole new feature of the program. I was like, you know what? That's a great idea.
I just revised this paragraph with Cachikiki's help. Let me know if it's clear. Gainful access to 5 foundation, of course, is essential burger, whether novice or seasoned. I really mean that. Because even myself would benefit from studying these topic scan and implementing them.
And, basically, I'll I'll meet those 2. Basically, on each of our q and a calls every single week, I'm going to be reviewing some concept from one of these 5 programs. So just throughout the year, I'll just kind of be reviewing them throughout the year. So if you come to the q and a calls, you'll get that kind of review. If you don't come, don't worry.
If if there's anything important not recorded and you'll you'll get access to it. But they basically, it won't just be this year. The problem this year is I just dumped a bunch of classes on you. And so good luck. Okay.
Good luck. If you have any questions for me now, it's not good enough. I actually have to review them. In the in the live calls, which we do next year. There will be 2 live q and a calls every single week.
And on each of the calls, I'll I'll start I'll, like, review some important concept or or project or exercise from each of these so that you'll actually do something with it and you have any questions. Okay. Another major change that we didn't have this year. Well, kind of. We had we had to help her hangouts.
Which some helper Hangouts were were were focused on particular class topics, but most of them were not. So in the coming year 2024, I'm you we're gonna have I don't know why it's just twice monthly. Okay. Multiple monthly. Multiple monthly.
So imagine this. You have particular topics such as Facebook ads that you wanna study. Or you wanna study how to get interviews. Okay? How to get more interviews.
Like, you wanna be interviewed. Or you wanna study how to create a 20 person group program. Or you wanna study, I don't know, what what else do I teach? How to create an online course. All all the 21 topics that I teach.
And whatever the popular topics are, I'm going to pay helpers to lead twice okay. That's why it's called twice monthly. Sorry. For every class topic, Facebook ads or how to get interviews or how to create online courses or whatever, There's gonna be 2 sessions a month, so it is twice monthly. Sorry.
I I don't even know my own programs. Twice monthly on every topic that's popular. So if you care about Facebook ads, you're gonna attend a 1 hour call twice a month where the helpers are there not to teach you stuff. They're not experts on the topic. They themselves are learning it.
So they're gonna you're gonna show up and and you and several other people who are focused on implementing that class topic. It's gonna say, alright. Here's what I'm gonna focus on this month. I'm trying to figure out how to run warm audience Facebook ads. That's what I'm figuring out right now.
And during our hour of this hour, I'm gonna watch that particular lesson, and I'm going to to outline my next steps. So it's the class implementation session is not to teach your stuff, but it's to have you state what you're going to learn next, or if you had to figure out what you're gonna learn that, that's what you're gonna learn next. I'm gonna prioritize my learning for this topic. Right? And then you're going to actually do it during that hour.
You're gonna do the learning or you're gonna do the implementation. And then at the end, you're gonna celebrate And there I think there's gonna be some time for q and a. Like, not nobody's an expert there, but you're gonna say, hey. Does anyone happen to know When when George talk about this, what what do you mean by that? And, of course, I welcome you to come to the q and a calls and ask me.
But the class implementation sessions can have some quick q and a during the during the Zoom in the Zoom chat. So that's the that's the point. I'm really excited by this because I know a lot of you have, like, our backlog and a bunch of courses you took from me and, you know okay. I wanna answer a couple of quick questions here. Yeah.
Kaylie says, I'd like this to focus on implementation. Jess says you'll be reviewing those foundational courses one at a time for maybe 1 month each. Yes. Exactly right. There are 5 topics, so I'm gonna review one maybe 6 6 weeks each, and then it'll just recycle again the 2nd part of the year.
Right? That that makes sense to me anyway. But thank you for bringing that up. Okay. So let let me keep going here.
2 optional group q and a. Okay. This is the same thing. Same thing that you've had this year. The times are are are as follows.
So it's gonna be definitely two calls a week. And then every other Thursday, there's a afternoon evening call that very few people attend. So that's why I'm doing it every other week. Coming up in a in a year because it's so so less attended. Okay?
And then the credits same idea as this year you're going to get, you know, either you're gonna get whatever 2 to 4 credits every other month, something like that. And then this is the same thing. You get, you know, you get you get a private member only forum. Okay. Here there's a difference here.
Next year, they're going to be forum helpers. Actually, this year, secretly, there were already 2 forum helpers. But next year, there will be it's gonna be a more clear thing where you're gonna get more replies to your comments, to your posts in our forum. You'll you'll you'll you'll start noticing that. So you can either do it in some clearer or do it in Facebook.
I know some of you love Facebook. Some people hate Facebook. That's why we're gonna have 2 flavors. You can choose whichever one you want. This is the same thing.
I I I only offer one to one sessions to ABC Mastercard members. I don't offer to anybody else. So, basically, this is the same same same idea. Okay? And then, oh, this is the other major change.
The other major change is every member in ABC or Mastercard can have a paid helper role, if you wish. This year, it's been very, like, only a few people can have to pay it. Next GeorgeKao. So I'll tell you what what I'm what I basically was trying to do. I was trying to do the radical thing of lowering the program prices.
Never never been ever been ever before been heard in the history of capitalism. Right? It's only supposed to the price is only supposed to go up every year, not go down. But I'm trying to be good about it, and I'm trying to be anti capitalist, whatever that means. It's it's because it's cool to be anti capitalist, you know, these these days.
So I'm trying to be anti capitalist and lower the price and take less money, okay, from every person. I'm gonna increase the membership secretly. Don't don't tell anybody that I said this. I'm increasing number of members because, look, there's only I have 80 members in the program and only ten people are on the call right now. It's this is this is actually a bigger call than usual.
It's only about 10% attendance rate usually. So if I increase a number of members, it's only gonna be better for everybody. Because, well, everybody's gonna have more potential collaborators, more commenters on their posts, all that good stuff. So, basically, there's still gonna be enough time for q and a in my opinion. I think it's gonna be plenty of time.
But I'm taking less money from each person. But the way I'm doing it is instead of lowering the price, I'm going to give money back to you. By encouraging you to take a helper role. Now, helper role, you message GeorgeKao making us work. Well, kind of, but it's I think the the work you're doing is actually gonna be helping you make use of the program and make your business better.
So that's my opinion. I I think it's gonna be helpful. It's essentially I'm paying you to be an accountability buddy to somebody else and someone else is being paid to be your accountability buddy. You see what I mean? So That's what I'm doing.
Okay. Let me keep going because it's going longer than expected, but I think it's important. Okay. So I will lead okay. So this is also new.
Basically, I would lead some net caring calls where I will have some unique formats for the net caring where you can, you know, refer business to each other, that kind of thing. So I will be meeting those net caring calls, and we will have occasional virtual work retreats on piloting and piloting a virtual work retreat even this weekend. But assuming it goes well, I'm gonna be doing that next year as well. So those are the changes Please, if you have any questions, I think that's the best formulation yet of the program, and here's some interesting images for you to look at. All AI generated images.
And, oh, here's the here's the ChatGPT, basically. All members get the 5 foundational classes the helper led classic mutation. If you're an ABC member, you get 4 per month, which means you get to to focus on 2 class topics a month. I think that's plenty. Okay?
If you are a master hire, you get up to 8 per month, which you you must be really intense. You go to all 8 implementation sessions a month. Additional classes the same thing as last this this year. Q and a q and a priority is kind of the same as this year. I've been prioritizing Mastercard members more or less.
Okay. And then one on one paid call with the helper, ABC gets 1 a month, Mastercard members get 2 a month, and 1 on 1. Okay. So this is the new the new tier that wasn't available this year is I'm taking a few, like, 5. One on one clients in 2024.
And the 51 on one clients will get 11 on one call with me per month 30 minutes. And you want additional one on one calls with me, it's just 30 bucks for a 30 minute one on one call with me. For one on one clients, 60 bucks for a 30 minute call MazdaR members and 120 bucks for 30 minute call, which is I think is still a good deal to be honest with you. Right? Because that means I'm $240 an hour for one on one calls.
That's I think less than what I should be charging based on what my audience told me. Actually, I pulled them. I think I should be charging 3:50 an hour for one on one calls. So Again, this is a good deal. Even if you're a ABC member, you get to pay 1.20 for half hour with me.
Okay. So this is also new. This is also new. I feel like this year, I've been ignoring all of you, your social media. I have not looked at anybody's social media this year.
And it's been very peaceful for me as a result. But next year, I'm stepping up and I'm saying if you're a Masterhard member, I'm going to like, actually look at your social media once a month and probably like or comment on one of your posts once a month. If you're a one on one client, I'll do I'll be doing it twice a month. And if you're an ATC member, still, I'll be doing it occasionally. No promises to how often, but occasionally.
So that's new. And that'll help you amplify your content, and I'll I'll get to know you better, basically, because I'll be looking at social media on a regular ish basis. Okay? Soul Gym is is is still is 240 yearly. It's cheaper than what it was this year for ABC members.
Or Mastercard member is included, ABN-one on one client is included. And there it is annual price or payment plan. Basically, the price is about the same. I think this year, the payment plan was 111. So actually sorry.
The price did go up a little bit, but you're gonna get back in the paid helper roles. Let me go and show you what that is right now. Okay. Pay helper roles, I think I've already talked about the accountability helpers will meet with you once a month. You can have one of those roles if you want to.
So you get 30 bucks back. Per month. You can be a forum helper if you want to 30 bucks back per month. You can host class implementation sessions, which is 2 sessions a month that you're hosting. You're not a teacher.
You're getting work done. You're at least getting 40 minutes of work done in each of those sessions yourself. And you get paid 60 bucks a month for hosting 22 sessions. Okay? And then basically, so here's the effective price that you're paying.
If you're taking on one of these roles, you're paying you're getting you're paying 720 a year. So that's $60 a month. Is your actual or if you want it if you want Solgium, that's whatever $80 a month or something like that. $8 a month with with Solgium. So It is less price if you take on a member role, which I hope you do.
Again, there are enough helper roles for every single member. And if some of you don't wanna take on a helper rule, that just means other members get to double up. They get paid more for taking on another helper rule because I've already calculated with my business model, at least everybody can get 30 bucks to 60 bucks back depending on which helper rule they take on. So I hope this helps. Okay?
And thank you so much for watching this dear members. If you have any questions, ChatGPT below, but the document will be available to you. You can also ask questions in the document. Hope this is helpful. Thank you so much again, and I hope you'll consider it.
You get first dibs as part of the spots for next year. You get first dibs, and I'm gonna do my circles of enrollment. If you don't take all the spots, the next you know, the next level, we'll we'll we'll we'll take some spots, and then the next level, all the way up to my social media audience. Okay? So thank you so much.
And oh, by the way, well, quick quick thing. Since you are already a member, you're watching as your your member, you can fill out the application really quickly. Really quickly. Okay? Don't have to, like, write any award winning essays.
The application, if you're gonna do a quick, it should take you still about 30 minutes So carve out half an hour to do the application, but do it real quick. Real quick. All the answers real quick. The the people who are not members this year, I will be reading their application in in in-depth and deciding whether to get a spot. So there should be there should be as if as this year, there should be more applicants than there are spots, even though I'm increasing the spots a little bit.
In the coming year, there's still be buying more applicants. So it's still a somewhat exclusive program. It's still gonna be the best people. I as you know, I attract the best people, and I will vet for the best people to be part of the program. So Alright, everyone.
Thank you so much. A quick question here. Scott, I wanted to clarify the the the the q and a times are 8 AM Pacific. 8 AM Pacific instead of 9 AM. That is true.
That that's for the entire year. It's gonna stay the same. And and what's interesting? Well, real real quick thing. Because I live in a time zone, that doesn't ChatGPT.
When you all change with time time zones, I don't change. Mexico doesn't most of Mexico does not change time zones. You know that. There's no daylight savings time here, which means what I've done is I've carved out 2 hours for every group call because part of the year, it's at this time for me. And the next part of the year, it's at an earlier time for me.
So I've called out 2 hours for the entire year. It's that's what I had to do to sacrifice my my my calendar for your well-being so that you're you don't have to change times half. Half in the year. So anyway, I think that's it. I'll I'll let you all go.
Thank you for being here. Any questions, let me know. I look forward to seeing it. And Some somebody, you know, there's the many requests for in person retreats over the years. I might announce a a secret surprise in person retreat in Mexico next year.
I will still think about it, but that is a possibility. Fuzzy areas. Oh oh, I'm sorry. Jess, you're right. Some some other ChatGPT.
There will be no more of the 3 person calls that we had this year. The reasons because very very few of you used it. Really? Very few it was like something about 20% of the membership used the 3% calls. I'm I'm getting rid of them.
And q and a for each course, I might do them. Yeah. That might be a thing. I might I might do that for members as well. But There will be other member benefits that that aren't this year.
I think it'll be a better program. So alright, everyone. Have a great day, great evening. Let me know if you have any questions below. And the document will be post placed below this video as well.
Thanks, everybody.

Happy to share the details for the 2024 ABC / MasterHeart programs!

In the above video, I walk through the key changes described in this document:

Click here for the document

At the end of that document you'll find the application link.

Last updated 30 Oct 2023.