Yeah.Go ahead.So I appreciate what what you were observing about net net caring via LinkedIn Yes.And effective ways to to do that.I think it's occurred to me but never with with that clarity.
So I appreciate it.Yeah.One of the things relative to that that that I wanted to ask you about was the idea of adding I've found for myself in recent time as I I'm so nourished by net caring.Yes.I'm so nourished by seeing what what my colleagues have to share.
Yes.And And so it's low and I'm oftentimes inspired to add something.Yes.but I'm I'm also aware and I wanted your feedback on this, sometimes I feel like part of what I'd like to do in addition to being nourished, but I'm also have my eye on showcasing or highlighting the the person who's who I'm Yes.Yes.
And and so there I find that on on occasion, in my enthusiasm as I'm starting to, like, say, oh, you know, and here's here's another -- Yes.-- another I have found recently that I've been checking myself and, like, pulling back because I'm or or at least recalibrating at times because I really want I'm I'm aware that this is their page.This is their website.And and and I wanna I wanna both show my enthusiasm.Yes.
But be sensitive to that is -- Yes.-- occasionally, sometimes people will actually say, if you have additional insights or observation, I welcome them.But even then, like, even then I I found myself going Well, I do.But this is your page.I don't know what.
I'm struggling a little bit or so.Any any thoughts on that?Yeah.I end Gregory.I mean, your your additions are are always amazing to me.
I'm always awesome.So you you you know, not everyone has your gift.Right?And so I'll tell you, I don't always have something else interesting to say other than do great job, you know, or like I like what you said.So I don't have as much of that gift as you do, but So I'll tell you this.
First of all, I think the most you know, like, the the most welcome type of comment for an influencer would be, I love what you're saying.I did what you told me and hear wonderful results.Like like like, that that's really the most welcome thing.Like, you know, George, you were right.You know?
This is what I did, and my life is so much better, thanks to you right now.Yeah.But but, really, for an influencer, that's like the wonderful because they were they were like, this is a case study.I'm gonna highlight this comment.I'm gonna, like -- Yeah.
-- reply to this question.Right?It's an informal testimony.This is exactly right.And the second best would probably be that is yes to completely, and here's a here's a different example, not from my own life, not because I applied your thing, but this here's another confirmation, right, of of what you've said.
Like, here's another statistic or another another brief story, another someone else who said this, who who, you know, you probably would respect to or someone you don't know, and then just so, yeah, So he's and Justin, like, the best comment would be, like, to to up to, like, to say amplify.Right?Whatever the idea was was some like, And what you're saying is something that's adjacent.Right?Not necessarily amplifying the exact same idea, but adjacent.
Oh, and also this.And it really depends on the influencers, I guess, that the etiquette of their platform that they built.I think it depends a lot on that.So for example, hopefully, by now, you know that I'm very open to ideas, I'm very open to feedback, I'm very open to disagreement actually because otherwise, it it I I don't feel I think disagreement when done kindly Right?There's always there's obviously.
Right?There's there's there's people who say, no, you're you're full of s and you're full of s and, you know, here's why.I I don't know.I may or may not keep that comment up depending on if I felt like that was adding value to my people.But chances are, I'm I'm I'm gonna delete it.
I ban the person.Like, I don't want someone taking a taking a crap in my in my front yard.Right?But but someone come into my front yard says, hey, you know what?The grass is great, but did you know that you really if you did it this way, it would be the grass would you know, I know the grass growing grass is a good thing because everyone's trying to mowed their lawns.
But If you did it this way, the flowers would be even more blossoming.Oh, I didn't know that.Thank you.And you did it in such a nice way, and I'm gonna give it a try.and it might even add to my garden.
Make it more beautiful.So I think that, Gregory, the way you do it is always kinds and always value adding.And you're right about looking at the etiquette of the platform they've built.Are they someone who is open to that?or do they seem to be very much more I just wanna talk about my thing, and I want you to, you know, support what I say.
Thanks.Yeah.So part of what I'm hearing is to just be attuned -- Yeah.-- to the individual sensibilities of of who whose platform it is -- Yeah.-- and what what seems to be the the cultural or the -- That's right.
-- of of notice the other commenters Yeah.What are they doing?And which comments perhaps are being replied to by the influencer?Or sometimes they can pin certain platforms that I don't forget which ones can pin comments to the top, that kind of thing.Or at least the ones that are most liked, actually, that's probably a good idea.
Right?Like, look at the comments, which ones are most light in in their previous posts and go, oh, that's the etiquette here apparently.You know?Thank you.Thank you so much, GeorgeKao.