So as we begin this module about, business metric tracking, let's first talk about why this is important.The fact that you're watching this, you probably already know why, and I congratulate you on being above average in caring about, professional development, shall I say, because you can't systematically improve what you don't measure.You can get lucky sometimes and play and improve something.But as as anyone who's ever tried to learn a musical instrument, Right?You could play around.
Right?You could play piano, whatever, guitar, and just, like, play around and and probably learn something and get better at it.But to really become well, to be able to support yourself, You know?You you have to actually systematically, measure, whether you're getting better and then and then get better at it.Right?
Or or musical instruments, sports, any craft.Like, to to actually get better at something, you have to measure whether or not you are improving or whether you're actually degrading.And the the thing about just working and playing in your work, in your business is that sometimes you're actually going backwards, and you don't even realize it until you start measuring what's happening.So when you start measuring it, that there's there's a magic to this.Right?
Like, just by starting to measure something, you naturally have a consciousness to improve it or at least to not let it slip backwards because no one likes to see that number.What if if you're trying to increase a number, you don't want it to go backwards.If you're trying to decrease the number, you want it you wanna see it go up.So simply, if we take one thing away from this module, if you simply begin to measure some number and the number can be even for qualitative things.How about happiness?
Well, of course.I mean, gosh, they they're they have been they've done studies in in, you know, happiness of countries for decades.You can measure even happiness.You can measure your closeness to God.You gotta get creative about it.
Like, the measurement is not just for, oh, how much money did I make or how many followers do I have?You can measure qualitative things too.Okay?So before I go on, I would love to see you comment or chat below.What have you already started measuring in your business?
K.You could measure joy, joyful productivity.You could.We gotta get creative about it, but we could talk about that.You could you could measure anything.
You can measure your client satisfaction.You can measure, your, yeah, like I said, sense of joy in your work.Of course, you can.Of course, you can.Of course, you gotta get creative about it.
You can measure your creativity.Okay?So what have you already begun measuring in your business on a regular basis?Number 1 question for you.Chat below.
And, secondly, what would you love to measure?Or maybe you could just chat generally below.Do you do you do you believe that?Do you believe that you can measure anything and, that you'll naturally improve what you measure?Because once you start measuring it, you'll just naturally want to start managing it.
Okay?So I look forward to seeing your comments below, and then we can move on to the next lesson where we where I show you what I recommend measuring.And one more thing I'll say is that when you you're not going to get good at measuring until you start measuring.Once you start tracking things and measuring, you're gonna just naturally get smarter about me.Wow.
Gosh.I should be tracking this instead, or why am I even tracking this?It doesn't seem useful.Or or what am I doing to make this number go up or down?You know what I mean?
Like, you just get more intelligent as you do it.So the key is to start measuring even one thing.Right?So in the next lesson, I'll give you a bunch of options, and you can choose one.So let's move on from here.