Price your thing differently depending on where they live? (bad idea)

Updated Aug 14, 2024

Some of us serve clients who live in different economies.

For example, you might live in the USA but have clients in Canada, Australia, UK, India.

My advice is to keep the same price for everyone.

1. It's simpler. (You won't ever have to justify your different pricing to any clients nor feel guilty about it.)

2. It's more sustainable for your business. (Spend way less time figuring out different pricing and what it means for paying your bills.)

It doesn't make sense to me to adjust your price downward for those in lower-income economies or because of "currency differences" because you don't live there.

Your own expenses are still tethered to your own economy. Beware of practicing a martyr complex.

You must price your offers based on what it takes you to live well, so that you never become resentful of the energy that your clients require of you.

Also, don't price your thing upwards for people who live in a higher-economy region. You don't really know their financial situation.

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