"How do I ensure my audience is even seeing my offers? I feel like emails can more easily end up in junk folders these days. And often people don’t see my social media posts." --just about everyone.
Truth -- Your offers aren't aligned enough to whoever's seeing it. That's why they're ignoring your post (therefore downgrading its reach for the rest of your audience), or even worse putting your email into junk folder.
Imagine if everyone in your network wanted to "ensure" that everyone in their network saw it… you’d be overwhelmed! The algorithm is actually helping all of us see only what is likely to be interesting to us.
Solution -- make your offers more aligned, i.e. work your way through this course again ;-)
Besides aligning your offer better, it's also helpful to use the Circles of Enrollment, so that you're personally contacting your trusted contacts before posting it "out there" for everyone.