“I'm going to help everyone!” (The road to poverty...)

Updated Aug 17, 2024

Example -- I could help you the most if I literally came to live with you...

...although maybe then, you'd respect my advice less 🤣

Or I should be at your beck and call, day and night.

But then, I couldn't do anything else... let alone serve enough clients to make a living.

Especially as heart-based people, we really  need to practice setting healthy boundaries. 

Pricing is one of those key boundaries for business sustainability.

“I want to be mutually fair and truly transformation-oriented for clients, yet of course it all needs to be financially sustainable for me (without over-delivering in a way that leads to overwhelm for me in terms of mind & heartspace, energy, and time).” – Kimberley P-S

Therefore don’t price based merely on compassion – because that’s unwise, unrefined compassion – price based on your market, your capacity, and the positioning of this offer within your business model. (We'll talk about the concentric circles business model later in this module.)

For an exploration of spiritual/philosophical teachings around balancing giving and self-care, click here.

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