A warm welcome here!

The above video will give you an overview of the course.

I hope that we all perceive this course as a mini-community focused on a topic... not just random comments from random people, but rather, focused comments, from your kindred spirits, on the topic of creating aligned offers.

The most important part of a community is its culture. Each of us who participate here is a culture-setter. You influence the culture with every interaction you have here. 

A few values we might keep in mind:

  1. Comment once, reply twice. For each comment that you make, look for 2 other people's comments (especially ones with few comments) and add a reply – with your encouragement and suggestions (if appropriate). This helps to balance the comment/reply ratio, and gives you practice in seeking and giving support in this community.

  2. Notice and name each others' energy signatures. Each person's presence is unique, and each person has their strengths. It can be difficult for us to notice our own, and easier to notice others'. Whenever you notice someone's comment that refers to something personal to them, try to name something, however small, that you appreciate about their energy signature. We all have some fear of being fully seen. Let’s help each other feel accepted and received.

  3. Co-Learning Community. Nobody here (not even the "teacher") knows everything about creating aligned offers... it's a rich process that can be customized greatly to each person's way of doing things and we can learn from each other. So let's create a co-learning environment here. Even the "teacher" will learn from your comments :)

  4. Share generously. Be supportive of others here. If you discover something that works, or hear about a great tip, please do share it with us. Comment under the appropriate lesson if possible. Sharing will make this course better for all of us.

  5. Keep all sharings confidential.  Let's keep this a safe space for sharing by promising to keep all comments (particularly the personal ones) confidential.

  6. Receive deeply what others see/feel from you. It’s a meaningful practice! It’ll help you integrate and express better your offer. 

Let me know below if these values are helpful, and if you have any suggestions.

The values we embody together here is what makes this course experience amazing for each other 😊

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